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In this day and age many think it's impossible to be a Christian or much less serve God but in reality it is not impossible. We all have our ups and downs but the great thing about serving God is that as we continue to serve Him day by day, He renews our strength to live and hunger for His presence.
Powerful Testimonies of
Hope and Encouragement
A collection of over 40 Christian authors sharing life changing testimonies filled with hope, encouragement, and Biblical teachings on such topics as prayer, salvation, healing, the miracles of God, stories of redemption, the love of God, and much more, each offering a wonderful perspective of living a life in the Kingdom.
Hope is powerful, life changing, and brings joy to the heart. It is like water to the thirsty soul!
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Life With Christ:
How Faithful He Is
Life With Christ: How Faithful He Is - A collection of life-changing teachings, testimonies, short stories and miracles that share the goodness of God, His faithfulness, the Word of God, encouragement and hope.
With testimonies from Pastors, Bible teachers, Ministers, Christian counselors, scholars, businessmen and women, Life With Christ is full of wisdom, heavenly pearls and daily bread for the reader.
May you be abundantly blessed as you read Life With Christ and the wonderful testimonies highlighting the faithfulness of God captured within the pages.
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Finding Hope In GOD
The Christian Life: Finding Hope In God is a collection of life-changing teachings, testimonies, short stories and miracles that share the goodness of God, His faithfulness and the Word of God that bring encouragement and hope, while sharing everyday Christian principles.
With testimonies from pastors, Bible teachers, ministers, multi-published authors, and award winning authors, The Christian Life is full of wisdom, heavenly pearls and daily bread for the reader.
May you be abundantly blessed as you read the wonderful testimonies highlighting the faithfulness of God and his goodness captured within the pages of this book.
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God Is Faithful
Stories That Inspire is filled with short stories, testimonies, teachings, encouragement and hope that will inspire you in your daily walk with God.
Wonderfully penned by Pastors, Bible teachers, ministers, multi-published authors and award winning authors. God Is Faithful is filled with wisdom, heavenly pearls and life changing applications that will bless you.
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This book is about the beginning of everything, how it all started, seen through the eyes of children. It was written in a way that children can visualize being back in time, as children read they can imagine the story of the creation in a different way. This book is easy enough for children to read on their own, also backed by Bible verses to get the child into reading the word of God. I hope this will be of great blessing for the children, Sunday school teachers for children, parents and everyone who reads it. This book was created for a series and more books will follow in the near future.
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The idea of making all of my short commentaries into a book was given to me by my son Richard Ramirez. This is the first book in this series and others will soon follow. Hoping this book of short commentary blesses you in a very special way as it has done for me. La idea de convertir estos cortos pensamientos en un libro fue de mi hijo Richard Ramírez. Este es el primer libro en una serie y más adelante seguirán otros. Espero este libro de corto pensamiento les bendiga en manera especial, así como ha sido de bendición para mí.

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